Mastering MOCKING: A Step-by-Step Guide to IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>()
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Mastering MOCKING: A Step-by-Step Guide to IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>()

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Are you tired of wrestling with complex configurations in your .NET applications? Do you find yourself stuck in a never-ending loop of trial and error, trying to mock IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>()? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of mastering this crucial technique.

Why Mock IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>()?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of mocking, let’s take a step back and understand why it’s essential to mock IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>(). In a real-world scenario, your application relies on configurations to function correctly. However, when writing unit tests, you want to isolate the system under test (SUT) from external dependencies, including configurations. By mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>(), you can control the configuration values, ensuring predictable and repeatable test results.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • .NET Core 3.1 or later
  • Moq library (version 4.14.7 or later)
  • A basic understanding of C# and unit testing

Step 1: Create a Simple Configuration

Let’s start with a simple configuration class:

public class FooConfiguration
    public string Bar { get; set; }
    public int Baz { get; set; }

This configuration class has two properties, Bar and Baz, which we’ll use later to demonstrate the mocking process.

Step 2: Create an IConfiguration Instance

Create an instance of IConfiguration, which will be used to retrieve the configuration section:

var configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
    .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)

In this example, we’re using a JSON file (appsettings.json) to store our configuration values. You can use any configuration provider that suits your needs.

Step 3: Get the Configuration Section

Now, let’s get the configuration section using IConfiguration.GetSection():

var fooSection = configuration.GetSection("Foo");

In this example, we’re retrieving the “Foo” section from the configuration.

Step 4: Mock IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”)

It’s time to create a mock instance of IConfiguration using Moq:

var mockConfiguration = new Mock<IConfiguration>();

Next, we’ll set up the mock to return a mock section when IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”) is called:

mockConfiguration.Setup(c => c.GetSection("Foo"))
    .Returns(new Mock<IConfigurationSection>().Object);

In this example, we’re using Moq’s Setup method to specify the behavior of the mock object. When IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”) is called, the mock will return a new mock instance of IConfigurationSection.

Step 5: Mock IConfigurationSection.Get<Type>()

Now, let’s create a mock instance of IConfigurationSection and set up the Get<Type>() method to return our desired value:

var mockFooSection = new Mock<IConfigurationSection>();
mockFooSection.Setup(s => s.Get<FooConfiguration>())
    .Returns(new FooConfiguration { Bar = " MockedBar", Baz = 42 });

In this example, we’re setting up the mock section to return a new instance of FooConfiguration with Bar = “MockedBar” and Baz = 42 when Get<FooConfiguration>() is called.

Step 6: Use the Mocked Configuration

Finally, let’s use the mocked configuration in our unit test:

var sut = new MyService(mockConfiguration.Object);
var result = sut.DoSomethingWithFoo();

Assert.AreEqual("MockedBar", result.Bar);
Assert.AreEqual(42, result.Baz);

In this example, we’re creating an instance of MyService, which depends on IConfiguration. We’re passing the mocked configuration instance to the service, and then calling the DoSomethingWithFoo() method. The method uses the mocked configuration to retrieve the Foo section and gets the values for Bar and Baz.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you master mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>():

  • Mocking nested configurations**: When dealing with nested configurations, you can recursively mock each section using the same approach.
  • Using a test-specific configuration**: Create a separate configuration instance for your tests, allowing you to isolate test-specific configuration values.
  • Mocking configuration exceptions**: Use Moq to throw exceptions when IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”) or Get<Type>() is called, simulating error scenarios.
  • Using a mocking library for IConfiguration**: Explore other mocking libraries, such as NSubstitute or FakeItEasy, which can provide alternative approaches to mocking IConfiguration.


Mastering the art of mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>() can be a game-changer for your unit testing endeavors. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well-equipped to write robust, reliable, and maintainable tests for your .NET applications. Remember to stay flexible and adapt these techniques to your specific use cases, and don’t hesitate to explore other mocking libraries and approaches.

Topic Description
Mocking IConfiguration Learn how to create a mock instance of IConfiguration using Moq
Mocking IConfigurationSection Discover how to mock IConfigurationSection and set up the Get<Type>() method
Using Mocked Configuration Understand how to use the mocked configuration in your unit tests
Tips and Variations Explore additional tips and variations for mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get<Type>()

Now, go forth and mock like a pro!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of struggling to mock IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get()? Look no further! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you master the art of mocking.

Q: What is the purpose of mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get()?

A: Mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get() allows you to isolate the dependencies of your code and test individual components in isolation, making it easier to write unit tests and ensure the reliability of your application.

Q: How do I create a mock object for IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get()?

A: You can create a mock object using a mocking library like Moq or NSubstitute. For example, with Moq, you can create a mock IConfiguration instance and set up the GetSection method to return a mock IConfigurationSection instance, which can then be configured to return a mock object of the desired type.

Q: Can I use a mocking library like AutoFixture to create a mock object for IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get()?

A: Yes, you can use AutoFixture to create a mock object for IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get(). AutoFixture provides a more concise way of creating mock objects, and it can automatically set up the mock object with default values, making it easier to write unit tests.

Q: How do I verify that the correct type is returned from the mock object?

A: You can verify that the correct type is returned from the mock object by using the Verify method provided by the mocking library. For example, with Moq, you can use the Verify method to ensure that the GetSection method was called with the correct arguments and that the returned object is of the correct type.

Q: Are there any best practices for mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get() in unit tests?

A: Yes, there are several best practices to keep in mind when mocking IConfiguration.GetSection(“foo”).Get() in unit tests. For example, it’s a good idea to keep the mock object setup concise and focused on the specific test scenario, and to avoid over-specifying the mock object’s behavior. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the mock object is properly reset between tests to prevent test interference.