How to Return Focus Back to the Previous View (Remote Control Click)
Image by Isaia -

How to Return Focus Back to the Previous View (Remote Control Click)

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Are you tired of navigating through your navigation menu only to find yourself stuck on a page with no clear way to return to the previous view? Do you find yourself constantly clicking the back button on your remote control, only to end up on a different page altogether? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll guide you through the simple steps to return focus back to the previous view with just a few clicks of your remote control.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of navigation and focus in yourapplication. When you navigate through your app using your remote control, the focus shifts from one element to another. This focus determines which element is currently highlighted or selected. When you click on an element, it receives focus, and when you navigate away from it, the focus is lost.

Why Do We Need to Return Focus?

So, why is it so important to return focus to the previous view? Well, for starters, it enhances the user experience. Imagine you’re browsing through a list of movies and you accidentally click on the wrong one. Without the ability to return focus to the previous view, you’d have to start all over again from the beginning. With the focus returned to the previous view, you can simply navigate back to the correct movie and continue where you left off.

Solution 1: Using the Back Button

The simplest way to return focus to the previous view is to use the back button on your remote control. This method works for most applications and is the most intuitive way to navigate back.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the back button on your remote control.
  2. The focus will return to the previous view.
  3. Repeat step 1 until you reach the desired view.

Limitations of Using the Back Button

While using the back button is a straightforward solution, it has its limitations. For instance, if you’ve navigated through multiple pages or views, using the back button can become cumbersome and time-consuming. Additionally, some applications may not respond correctly to the back button, making it unreliable.

Solution 2: Using a Custom Button

A more elegant solution is to use a custom button that specifically returns focus to the previous view. This method requires some programming knowledge, but the payoff is well worth it.

// Sample code to return focus to the previous view
function returnFocus() {
    var prevView = getCurrentView().getPreviousView();
    if (prevView) {

Here’s how to implement the custom button:

  1. Create a new button in your application’s UI.
  2. Assign the `returnFocus()` function to the button’s click event.
  3. Place the button in a convenient location, such as the top-right corner of the screen.

Benefits of Using a Custom Button

Using a custom button offers several advantages over the back button method. For one, it provides a clear and explicit way to return focus to the previous view. It also reduces the number of clicks required to navigate back, making it a more efficient solution.

Solution 3: Using a Gesture

If you’re looking for a more modern and intuitive way to return focus to the previous view, consider using a gesture. Gestures provide a seamless way to navigate through your application without having to rely on buttons or the back button.

Here’s how to implement a gesture to return focus:

// Sample code to detect a swipe gesture
gestureDetector.onSwipeLeft = function() {
    var prevView = getCurrentView().getPreviousView();
    if (prevView) {

Here’s how to use the gesture:

  1. Perform a swipe gesture from right to left on your remote control.
  2. The focus will return to the previous view.

Benefits of Using a Gesture

Using a gesture to return focus provides a more natural and intuitive way of navigating through your application. It also reduces the clutter on your UI, making it a more minimalist and modern solution.


In conclusion, returning focus back to the previous view with a remote control click is a simple yet powerful feature that can greatly enhance the user experience. Whether you choose to use the back button, a custom button, or a gesture, the key is to provide a clear and intuitive way for users to navigate back. By implementing one of these solutions, you can create a more user-friendly and engaging application that keeps users coming back for more.

Solution Pros Cons
Back Button Easy to implement, intuitive May not work with complex navigation, limited functionality
Custom Button Clear and explicit, efficient Requires programming knowledge, may clutter UI
Gesture Natural and intuitive, reduces UI clutter May be unfamiliar to some users, requires gesture detection

By understanding the pros and cons of each solution, you can choose the best approach for your application and provide a seamless user experience that keeps users engaged and entertained.

Frequently Asked Question

Get back on track with our expert answers on how to return focus to the previous view with a remote control click!

How do I go back to the previous screen with my remote control?

Easy peasy! Just press the “Back” or “Return” button on your remote control to go back to the previous screen. This button is usually marked with a left arrow or a “Back” label.

What if I’m in a nested menu and want to go back to the main menu?

No worries! Keep pressing the “Back” or “Return” button until you reach the main menu. You can also try pressing the “Menu” button to jump directly to the main menu.

Can I customize the back button behavior on my remote control?

Maybe! It depends on your device and remote control model. Check your device settings or remote control manual to see if you can customize the back button behavior. Some devices allow you to remap the back button to perform different actions.

How do I go back to the previous channel or input on my TV?

Simple! Press the “Last” or “Previous” button on your remote control to go back to the previous channel or input. This button is usually marked with a “<<" symbol.

What if I accidentally pressed the wrong button and lost my place?

Don’t panic! Try pressing the “Back” or “Return” button repeatedly until you get back to where you were. If that doesn’t work, you can always restart the app or menu and navigate back to your previous location.