Stored Procedure Returning Null in MyBatis with Spring Boot Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Stored Procedure Returning Null in MyBatis with Spring Boot Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with null returns from stored procedures in MyBatis when integrating with Spring Boot? Do you find yourself scratching your head, wondering what’s going on behind the scenes? Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of successfully retrieving data from stored procedures using MyBatis with Spring Boot integration.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand why this issue arises in the first place. When you call a stored procedure from MyBatis, it can return null values if the procedure doesn’t explicitly return a value or if the return type is not correctly configured. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re expecting a neatly packaged dataset.

Cause 1: Missing Return Statement

In some cases, the stored procedure might not have a return statement at all, causing MyBatis to return null. This is because MyBatis relies on the return statement to determine the result of the procedure call.

Cause 2: Incorrect Return Type Configuration

Another common cause of null returns is when the return type is not correctly configured in the MyBatis configuration file or the Spring Boot application configuration. This can lead to MyBatis misinterpreting the return value, resulting in a null response.

Solution: Configuring MyBatis and Spring Boot for Stored Procedure Calls

Now that we’ve identified the root causes, let’s move on to the solution. To successfully retrieve data from stored procedures using MyBatis with Spring Boot integration, follow these steps:

Step 1: Configure MyBatis

In your MyBatis configuration file (typically `mybatis-config.xml`), add the following settings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
  PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN"

    <setting name="jdbcTypeForNull" value="NULL"/>

The `jdbcTypeForNull` setting tells MyBatis to return null values as NULL instead of ignoring them.

Step 2: Define the Stored Procedure in MyBatis

In your MyBatis mapper file (e.g., `UserMapper.xml`), define the stored procedure call:

<mapper namespace="com.example.UserMapper">
  <select id="callStoredProcedure" resultType="map" statementType="CALLABLE">

In this example, we’re calling the `SP_GET_USER_DETAILS` stored procedure with the `userId` parameter.

Step 3: Configure Spring Boot

In your Spring Boot application configuration file (typically `` or `application.yml`), add the following settings:

    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
    username: myuser
    password: mypass
  mapper-locations: classpath*:com/example/mapper/*.xml
  type-aliases-package: com.example.model

These settings configure the Spring Boot application to use the MyBatis configuration and connect to the database.

Step 4: Call the Stored Procedure from Spring Boot

In your Spring Boot service class, inject the MyBatis mapper and call the stored procedure:

public class UserService {
  private UserMapper userMapper;
  public Map<String, Object> getUserDetails(Long userId) {
    return userMapper.callStoredProcedure(userId);

In this example, we’re injecting the `UserMapper` and calling the `callStoredProcedure` method, which in turn calls the `SP_GET_USER_DETAILS` stored procedure.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with null returns, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you debug the problem:

  • Check the stored procedure for any errors or warnings. Ensure that it’s correctly configured and returns the expected data.

  • Verify that the MyBatis configuration file is correctly configured and that the mapper file is correctly defined.

  • Check the Spring Boot application configuration for any typos or incorrect settings.

  • Use a debugger or logging statements to inspect the return value from the stored procedure call. This can help you identify where the null value is coming from.

Best Practices for Stored Procedure Calls with MyBatis and Spring Boot

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure successful stored procedure calls with MyBatis and Spring Boot, follow these best practices:

  1. Use a consistent naming convention for your stored procedures and MyBatis mapper files.

  2. Clearly document your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration to avoid misunderstandings.

  3. Test your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration thoroughly to ensure correct behavior.

  4. Use logging and debug statements to inspect the return value from the stored procedure call.

  5. Consider using a ORM tool like Hibernate or JPA to simplify database interactions.

Best Practice Description
Use a consistent naming convention Avoid confusion by using a consistent naming convention for your stored procedures and MyBatis mapper files.
Clearly document your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration Document your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration to avoid misunderstandings and ensure correct behavior.
Test your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration thoroughly Test your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration to ensure correct behavior and identify any issues early on.
Use logging and debug statements Use logging and debug statements to inspect the return value from the stored procedure call and identify any issues.
Consider using an ORM tool Consider using an ORM tool like Hibernate or JPA to simplify database interactions and reduce the complexity of stored procedure calls.


In conclusion, retrieving data from stored procedures using MyBatis with Spring Boot integration can be a complex task, but with the right configuration and troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome the hurdle of null returns. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to successfully integrating stored procedures with MyBatis and Spring Boot.

Remember to keep your configuration files organized, test your stored procedures and MyBatis configuration thoroughly, and use logging and debug statements to inspect the return value from the stored procedure call. With these best practices in mind, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex stored procedure calls with confidence.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Stored Procedure Returning Null in MyBatis with Spring Boot Integration”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your questions about stored procedures returning null in MyBatis with Spring Boot integration.

Why does my stored procedure return null in MyBatis?

This can be due to a mismatch between the data type of the output parameter in your stored procedure and the corresponding Java type in your MyBatis mapper. Make sure they match, and also check that you’re correctly mapping the output parameter in your MyBatis XML file or annotation.

Do I need to specify the output parameter in the MyBatis mapper?

Yes, you do! You need to specify the output parameter in your MyBatis mapper using the `